You know how some people, and horses are just always 'on'? And sometimes when you are around someone you leave feeling drained for no apparent reason? This is the kind of invisible energy I am talking about.
The picture here is Astro, my 4 yr old paint pony. Astro has terrific energy surrounding him. He is easy going, always happy and willing to please. Nothing seems to phase him at all. Scottie, my draft, also has great energy, but it is different. His energy is more nervous, he spends more time on alert, being the important herd leader and prey animal that he is.
Why even talk about this? Because when working with any horse, being able to tune into their energy will enable you to connect to them faster. Use your intuition and sense what the horse's energy is directing to you. My intuition has increased tremendously since I began my training business. I literally get feelings, or thoughts of knowing something without knowing how I know it. (whew-got that??)
When doing ground training with any horse or pony, part of the process of interacting with the animal is a direct connection of energy. The horse feels your energy. When you shake the rope and ask him to take steps backward, you are creating energy through the lead rope to the halter.
You've probably heard it said not to work with your horse if you are upset with him, or in a bad mood. It is the same principle going on in this case. The horse will feel that pent up emotion, and respond to it. There is no question he will feel your negative energy. Just come back tomorrow when you are in a better frame of mind.
Interestingly, these concepts can also be applied to the children in our life, or any relationship for that matter. I remember when my daughter was a baby. I was stressed out a lot, it had been 12 years since I had a baby. When I got stressed, she wouldn't nurse, and did a lot of fussing.
I'd go so far as to say most all of what we do with our horses can be applied to the people in our lives. There are several top notch natural horsemanship trainers who now make a living by conducting seminars for corporations!
Sorry for getting a bit off topic here! Energy is a passionate subject for me. Being a reiki master I am very aware of my energy and the energy of those around me. I will say that my horses have some of the best energy around! If you'd like more information about reiki, please visit:
Moon Dance Reiki or
Hoping the snow melts soon,
clear communication
visible results
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