These days you can't wipe the smile off of my face! I did some more ground work yesterday with Piero. We played the catching game and got some pretty descent video of it. I'll be posting it as soon as I figure out how! I had him moving around the open field, keeping his attention on me, before I caught him. After I put the halter/lead rope on him I asked him to do some flexing which he is consistently improving on. I am very pleased with the way he recalls and wants to please me.
Today he did some running around. Wow, that little guy is FAST! He out ran Scottie! It was a pretty amazing sight to see.
Yesterday under saddle Piero was terrific. We walked, halted, and trotted around for about 15 minutes. I have not asked anyhting too difficult of him. I had him halting very square and on a dime with not much more than a 'halting thought' on my part. I can't wait to ask him to canter. I'm a little puzzled by the change in him, can't quite figure it out yet. He is much more relaxed and happy now than even a week or 2 ago. Perhaps he simply feels like he belongs here, maybe more wanted? I took my feet out of the stirrups and was bumping my legs all over him, nothing. No reaction at all. I even patted his rump while on him, and still nothing. (I had been told that that sent him to the moon and back.)
This picture was taken yesterday. I will take a better pic and load it next time. My daughter took this, among others.
Anyone have any ideas on his behavior change? I'd love to hear your comments.
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