Alright, this is a little off topic, but it's been bugging me, so I need to talk about it.
I've been considering my relationship with my horses, and trying to figure out what is ahead for all of us. Scottie's been a bit heavy on the forehand lately, and just plain strong at the canter.(remember that rope halter we ride in?) I really don't want to put his bridle back on him, but I'm not sure we can do much else other than trail ride without one.
Astro is the perfect little pony. I was thinking to maybe learn how to do cross country with him. But then I feel guilty for not doing it with Scottie. So I was considering the inner lessons Scottie has taught me through the years. And then I had this seemingly crazy thought. What if Scottie's true purpose is to teach me. These types of things, not about riding. And going right along with the crazy theme, I had a flash to my husband.
Lessons on love from my horse? Am I crazy?
I have to give a little background here. My husband is wonderful, charming and very affectionate. Always telling me how beautiful I am and how much he loves me. I, on the other hand, am not very affectionate. So he ends up feeling like he has to ask for love and it makes him very sad. Getting back to the horses which is why you are probably here....I have noticed that Scottie doesn't really like, or want, a lot of physical affection. Astro will let you rub and scratch on him all day. But Scottie will turn his head, then walk away. And it makes me feel a bit sad. Do you see where I'm going with this? Could my draft horse actually be teaching me a lesson on love? So maybe, just maybe, as I become more aware, I will understand in a deeper way how my husband needs more affection and how it makes him feel unloved when he has to ask for it.
Today, out of the blue I walked up to my husband and gave him a little kiss. Honestly, I couldn't remember the last time I just walked up to him and kissed him like that. Thanks Scottieman, you did it again. Who would've thought I could add a lesson on love to all that horse has taught me??!!
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