The Naturally Safe Horsemanship Program

Loretta Arey is a certified Reiki Master and horse 'whisperer' of sorts. Since her purchase of Scottie, the Irish Draught/Belgian cross, four years ago,  she has specialized in her own unique style of the popular Natural Horsemanship style of training which she calls,  Naturally Safe Horsemanship.

Loretta has been greatly influenced by the work of Page Turner, Buck Brannaman, John Lyons, Chris Irwin, Mark Rashid and Sylvia Scott . One thing that stands out about Loretta's work is that she emphasizes the role of the owner.  Loretta will not simply come and give your horse some lessons.  Before, during, and after working with your horse she will coach the owner so they come to understand exactly what she is doing and why.  The reasoning here is that once her job is done, the owner will now have changed behavior and the horse's teachings will stick.  
Loretta teaches the owner how to work with the horse just as she does, and eventually the lessons will consist of the owner working the horse with Loretta coaching from the sidelines. Horses that Loretta works with respond to her almost immediately. 
Schedule a demonstration and watch her work with her own horses and witness first hand what can be accomplished.
After Loretta began teaching horses and their owners, she began to see a need for general horsemanship throughout the local riding communities.  Many people ride in Northern VA, but in her opinion, too few actually know what it means to be a true horseman.  With this in mind, Loretta developed the Naturally Safe Horsemanship program which she teaches to those using her own well trained horses.
Please visit the Horsemanship Lessons page for more information.
To find out more about horsemanship and Loretta, please visit the Natural Horseman Blog.

1 comment:

  1. Naturally Safe
    is really amazing approach. It is a fact that horse training is never been easy. It is risky. However to succeed with this particular stage of training is also worthwhile.
