Monday, May 4, 2009

Training Tip F = FEEL

If you've ever talked to someone about natural horsemanship, you may have heard them mention feel. The word feel, used in this way, represents not just something you touch, but an intuitive touch. It also is similar to energy. Confusing? You betcha.

I can say my good lead rope has a great 'feel' to it. I am not talking about how it feels in my hand, although that is good too. :O) It is heavy, so when I use it communicate with my horse, it sends more energy from me, to him, through it.

I would also use feel to describe when you know to give a release from pressure. Say you are teaching him to flex through the poll. His head is bent around. Now, as soon as he gives a tiny release of that pressure, you remove that pressure. You will learn the timing on that partly by paying attention, and partly by starting to understand feel.

Bill Dorrance wrote a wonderful book called, True Horsemanship Through Feel. It gives countless ways to understand the concept, and is great reference book.

Another thing to keep in mind is how things feel intuitively. Say I'm working with my horse and he's done ok, and it's been about 30 minutes. I'll check in with my intuition, and see how it feels to continue. It might feel right to keep going for another 10-15 minutes. Or perhaps, it doesn't feel right, and I'll find a good note to end on. In this case, it doesn't matter WHY it feels one way or another. Sometimes it seems we will try to analyze our intuition. I think that is the logical brain trying to take over. Just go with your first feeling. You will find as you practice this, using intuition in this way is rather simple. Nothing bad is going to happen either way. So it makes for great intuitive training. Once you do this for a while, try it on other things. I check in with my intuition all the time. If something doesn't feel right, I really take notice.

You will see that the more you do this, the stronger things will either feel right, or wrong.

Let me know how it works, and tell us your stories about how you used your intuition.


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20/20 Horsemanship

the natural horseman
clear communication/visible results

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